Over 500 millions Spanish-speakers on 4 continents, invaluable linguistic and cultural diversity : today is Spanish Language Day! Let’s celebrate!

Ready to experience a human adventure in the world of hispanohablantes ? Yes, but which destination should you pick?
GlobAlong offers language courses and humanitarian volunteering programs in Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Guatemala, in the Balearic and Galapagos islands. You could combine both!

Fancy travelling to South America? You could, for instance, discover Ecuador and the Galapagos islands with GlobAlong.

First stop : Quito, Ecuador, where you can take intensive Spanish courses for two weeks minimum.

Second stop : the Galapagos islands, where you can take part in an eco-volunteering program (in a biological farm or station) for three weeks minimum.
You’ll experience a sense of wonder that will make you feel like you’re in a different world!

Are you packed yet ?


¡Feliz Día de la Lengua Española!
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